Krafton's BGMI game to make a comeback in India as government temporarily lifts ban.

Krafton's BGMI game to make a comeback in India as government temporarily lifts ban.

Krafton, the publisher of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), announced that the game will make a comeback after being banned by the Indian government. The previous version, PlayerUnknown's Battleground (PUBG), was initially banned in 2020 along with 117 other apps associated with China. Krafton expressed gratitude to the Indian authorities for allowing the resumption of BGMI operations and emphasized its responsibility as a South Korean company.  

Krafton's BGMI game to make a comeback in India as government temporarily lifts ban.

Krafton emphasized its commitment to investing in the Indian gaming industry and contributing to the development of a dynamic ecosystem that fosters growth and innovation. The company plans to collaborate with local developers and promote the use of cutting-edge technologies to support technological advancements in India. 

The ban on the game has been lifted temporarily for a 90-day period, during which the government will assess its compliance with Indian laws. A final decision regarding the permanent lifting or reinstatement of the ban will be made based on this review. 

Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar tweeted that this is a three-month trial approval of BGMI, taking into account issues such as server locations, data security, user harm, addiction, and more. Close monitoring will be conducted during this period before a final decision is reached.

Sean Hyunil Sohn, the CEO of Krafton India, expressed excitement about the forthcoming availability of Battlegrounds Mobile India and eagerly anticipated welcoming users back to their platform. He affirmed their commitment to providing exceptional products and services to Indian users and beyond, and expressed enthusiasm for the continued journey together. Nitish Mittersain, the CEO of Nazara Technologies, welcomed the return of BGMI and highlighted the close partnership between Krafton and Nodwin/Nazara, expressing confidence in their joint efforts to create outstanding experiences for esports enthusiasts in India.

In related news, Nodwin Gaming, a subsidiary of Nazara Technologies, recently announced a successful fundraising round, securing $28 million from investors including Nazara, Krafton, Sony Group, JetSynthesis, and InnoPark India.

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