July 7th marks the release of Resident Evil's latest CG movie - don't miss out!

July 7th marks the release of Resident Evil's latest CG movie - don't miss out!,Cast and Crews of Resident Evil's latest CG movie

Get ready to immerse yourself in the spine-chilling world of Resident Evil once again as the brand new CG movie is set to unleash its horrors on July 7th! Don't miss out on the fear-filled excitement!

July 7th marks the release of Resident Evil's latest CG movie - don't miss out!

Hey, all you Resident Evil fans out there, get excited for the latest addition to the Resident Evil franchise - Resident Evil: Death Island, the fourth movie in the animated series and part of the popular Japanese action film franchise. This movie is set in the same universe as the Resident Evil video games.

The full trailer for Resident Evil: Death Island, the latest addition to CAPCOM's Resident Evil series of CG animated films, was released on Kadokawa's YouTube channel on Tuesday, revealing that the movie will be released in Japan on July 7th. The Japanese title for the movie is Biohazard: Death Island.

Resident Evil: Death Island, which is set to release in Japan on July 7th, is the follow-up to the 2017 film Resident Evil: Vendetta, which was shown in theaters in the United States and Canada in June of the same year.

As depicted in the released key visual, the upcoming Resident Evil: Death Island movie has a unique storyline and incorporates characters from various games in the franchise.

Cast and Crews of Resident Evil's latest CG movie




Eiichiro Hasumi


Makoto Fukami


Rei Kondo

CG Director

Tomohiro Shimizu

CG Production


Produced by

TMS Entertainment





Usually, I wouldn't be enthusiastic about a new Resident Evil movie because the previous live-action and CG films have not been very impressive. However, with the return of beloved characters to fight against zombie sharks, it's hard not to feel excited about it!


About Resident Evil: Death Island

Capcom is the owner of the horror media franchise called Biohazard or Resident Evil, which comprises various forms of media, such as video games, movies, comic books, and CG films. Resident Evil: Death Island is an upcoming Japanese adult computer-animated horror film, set within the same universe as the Resident Evil video games, and falls under the franchise.

In the upcoming movie, Resident Evil: Death Island, D.S.O. agent Leon S. Kennedy is on a mission to save Dr. Antonio Taylor from kidnappers but is halted by a mysterious woman. Simultaneously, B.S.A.A. agent Chris Redfield is investigating a zombie outbreak in San Francisco with an unidentified origin. All the infected individuals had visited Alcatraz Island before contracting the virus. Based on this lead, Chris and his team travel to the island, where they come face to face with an entirely new horrifying experience

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